Search Results
Rollo talks with Ivar, Harald and Hvitserk - Vikings S05E11
Ivar goes to search Lagertha after Rollo tells him their location - Vikings S05E11
Vikings S05E09 - Björn goes to discuss with Ivar and Ivar orders to kill him
Rollo talks about Bjorn's true father - Vikings S05E11
Bjorn wants to kill Rollo - Vikings S05E11
Vikings - Rollo Returns To Kattegat & Meets With Ivar [Season 5B Official Scene] [HD]
Rollo returns to Kattegat - Vikings S05E11
Vikings S05E08 - Ivar changes his thoughts about peace
Vikings - Björn and Rollo Making A Deal [Season 4B Official Scene] (4x13) [HD]
Vikings: Bjorn And Floki Arrive at Rollo's Kingdom - [Season 4B Scene] (4x13) HD
Vikings - Ivar And Harald Return To Kattegat [Season 5B Official Scene] (5x11) [HD]
Vikings - Ivar: "Of Course I Am Going To Kill Her!" [Season 5 Official Scene] (5x08) [HD]